Thursday, March 31, 2016

Palmeri 4-19 Response

Question: This is a pretty basic question...but what are the "analog" ways people have incorporated multimodal technologies into their writing in history? In other words, before the computer/video/photography, in what ways did people compose with more than just text?

Quote: “Even if we grant that it is important to teach students to craft multimodal texts, we must recognize that alphabetic writing remains valued form of composing that we are institutionally and professionally mandated to teach. As a result, it makes sense to highlight ways that multimodal composing activities can contribute to students’ invention and revision of alphabetic texts” (Palmeri 8)

1 comment:

  1. Madeleine, I think if we wanted to go all the way back to the root of writing, we'd find oral traditions, from which people wrote and dictated what other wrote (like Socrates writing for Aristotle)--so considerations of oral and aural modes have always been with us in analog ways not requiring digital.
